The small business guidebook to managing RFPs
Chapter 8 - Take advantage of existing tools to sharing and archive key documents.

There are a few existing tools that help you with help to make sharing and archiving key documents easy for any small business.

Another easily available application is Microsoft OneNote. This application is part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications and should be readily available in most business environments. There are many good ways to good ways to utilize OneNote to improve your procurement business:
- A digital whiteboard for all to contribute – The project owner can create a shared digital whiteboard area through the use of OneNote and invite different stakeholders to join. Engineering, accounting, and marketing can all enter their specs, requirements, concerns, and other important notes. All comments and contributions are available to everyone so the whole team can be on the same page.
- A repository for all to access – Project owner can archive documents/contracts on OneNote, organize all the documents by utilizing tabs and sub-tabs, and insert a table on the page. Then invite a colleague to access while limited their ability to edit the repository. This allows appropriate team embers to easily access essential documents from a central location.
Recommendation document saving and sharing

Chapter 9 - Organization is a skill.

Many of the skills required for a great procurement professional are in the organization category.